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How To Clean An Area Rug At Home Like A Pro?

Area rugs are the most appropriate choice when you already have a nice shiny floor. An area rug can effectively add a little more color to the living room or a bedroom without hiding any beauty of the floor. It doesn't matter if have a terrazzo floor, hardwood floor or vinyl floor, this kind of rug looks perfect in any setting.
These rugs are an excellent addition to your home, but they also have few drawbacks associated with them. Unlike a normal carpeted room, these are placed in open spaces where anyone can walk on them with their shoes still on. This leads to the need for an intensive cleaning session every so often.
It is much better to get it cleaned by a professional area rug cleaner in Alpharetta GA. A professional cleaner can perform a much deeper cleaning then any household vacuum can.
Now, all being said, in this blog, I will be telling you about ways to clean the area rug at home. Home cleaning definitely cannot match the cleaning of professionals. But if you are willing to invest in the time and effort, you can get very close to a professional level of cleaning.

Let’s start with the steps that altogether make up the cleaning process easy and effective.

Setting Up An Outdoor Station

The first step in the cleaning process is setting up an outdoor washing station. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. A few sturdy benches or a bungee line will do the job. Make sure anything that you use as a support to keep the rug off the ground is strong enough to handle the weight.

Vacuuming Both Sides

Start with vacuuming the rug while it is still inside. First vacuum the top side thoroughly, turn it over and vacuum the bottom side. After you are done with the vacuuming bring it outside and place it on the outdoor station.
If it still looks dusty then its time for some old school beating with a broomstick. Beat the rug to get rid of any remaining dust. Continue the beating until the dust coming out of it stops.
Well, this part is just the beginning of the effort that needs to put in. If you feel you are not cut out to handle this kind of physical exhaustion then you can give a call to any affordable carpet cleaner in Alpharetta GA.

Apply Carpet Shampoo

The next step is to apply a high-quality carpet shampoo. Thoroughly apply the shampoo and then rinse. Repeat the process until there water rinsing out is as clean as it can be.

Leave To Dry

This step of the process requires patience and good dry weather. Leave the rug out in the sun for a few days until it is completely dry.

Vacuum One Last Time

This is the last step of the process.
To get rid all the dust the carpet is going accumulate in the days when it is being dried outside, you need to vacuum it one last time.

After you vacuum, it is good to go. Now you know how to clean an area rug at home like a pro.

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