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Should You Get a Pier And Beam Foundation

Modern houses are usually sturdier due to having pier and beam foundations, but some people still choose to opt for concrete foundations. Today, we will take an in-depth view on what pier and beam foundations are and whether they are the right choice for you.

How are Pier and Beams Foundation Built?

Basically, piers are burrowed into the ground, and then beams are laid through them. The beams help support the structure of the home. Cement is poured into the spaces left beneath the beams.

What’s the Benefit?

The benefit of this modern foundation is that it allows free crawlspace, meaning that there’s more room for utilities such as heating systems, plumbing, and electricity. Consequently, it’s much easier to maintain these utilities if anything malfunctions in your households.

What Problems Can Come From Pier and Beam Foundations?

The thing that gives the foundation it benefits is also what weakens it! You should call up professional pier and foundation repair companies if you encounter any of the following problems:

  •          Possible cracking alongside the walls and base
  •      Soil expansion may put pressure into the foundation which weakens it
  •      Unable to withstand immense amounts of pressure 
  •       Mildew and rotting wood easily weaken the structure

How Can You Prevent These Problems From Occurring

Instead of using soft wooden piers, use sturdier materials. Consult the right professionals and do your research and get only the most durable materials for your piers and beams. Avoid buying materials like cardboard. You should also make sure to hire the right company that will design the pier and beam foundation for you correctly. 

Is It Hard or Expensive to Repair the Foundation?

Compared to other types of foundations, doing a commercial pier and beam foundation repair in your property Katy TX will be actually affordable. It also requires a lot less labor than a concrete foundation. For example, if your shims are breaking down due to weak materials, then you can easily fix the problem by using steel shims. And you can add durable mortar easily in between the gaps of the steel shim and beams.
Moreover, it’s quite easy to strengthen the foundation. You just need to add wood beneath the beams of the foundation to get extra support. The logic is very simple! The more surface to the footing you have, the less pressure your existing beams will have to withstand.

How Much Do You Need to Worry About Drainage?

Basically, a lot. Seasonal moistures enter into your soil and eventually puts a strain on your house’s foundation. This causes your floors to sag and crack. As time goes by, more and more moisture buildup leads to more cracking. Thus, you should ensure you have an efficient and smooth drainage system that removes all the water inside your house.

If you’re thinking of building a new house with a better foundation, then a pier and beam foundation may be a good idea for you. 

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